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Transformation Sessions

 Are you ready to shift your energy, release blocks and move forward in your life ?


Whether you are experiencing blocks or dis-ease in your physical body, challenges around love and relationships or problems with business and finances, I help you become conscious of the fears, doubts, beliefs and emotional patterns that are keeping you stuck,  are you confused about your direction and what is holding you back  from your true essence.  I know how frustrating it can be when you feel stuck, blocked, out of alignment and lack the clarity about how to move forward with confidence and joy to create the life you desire. 


 In our sessions we will focus on creating momentum and movement towards successfully achieving your goals and intentions, looking at what's working or needs shifting, transforming and changing, guidance and practical techniques to move you through limiting beliefs, patterns, blockages and fears as well as support with decision making and choices to help you stay motivated and on track to manifesting what you desire.


Throughout your session, you will become consciously aware of any limiting beliefs, blocks, stories, emotions and sabotage patterns holding you back or keeping you small, learn a variety of practical and powerful tools and techniques to help you shed the old, shift the blocks and transform your life so you can actively create and manifest your dreams.


We will work with both wisdom, knowledge and practical tools together.


30 Minute Session - $150

60 Minute Session - $180

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