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What is Zen Thai Shiatsu


Zen Thai, generally speaking is the integration of two healing traditions originated in the East, Zen Shiatsu and Traditional Thai Massage . The joint mobility techniques that are weaved throughout the session allow another aspect for the structural body to release.


Shiatsu is a massage that uses the power of touch and applying pressure. It originated in Japan from traditional Chinese medicine – although shiatsu means “finger pressure” in the session the bodyworker uses touch , comfortable pressure and joint mobility to help with the bodies physical structure and balance its energy flow. The philosophy underlining in shiatsu is that “ki” flows through the body in series of channels called ‘meridians”

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key acupressure nodes on the surface of the skin to help stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are stimulated they release muscular tension and promote circulation . Acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure of hands (and sometimes feet ,forearms and elbows)


Thai massage draws significant influence from India’s ancient Ayuverdic traditions , Thai massage focuses on circulation and pressure points promoting internal health as well as muscular flexibility . The session generally starts at the feet and gradually moves up to the head. During the session the body may be gently arranged into different position’s (face up/down, side, sitting) . Rhythmic and gentle rocking , rolling of the limbs, stretching may help relax and realign the energies in the body. Varing amounts of pressure is applied along the energy lines of the body.

Thai massage is often compared to yoga, with its body movement, joint release and deep breathing. The difference from a normal yoga session to this is that the bodyworker does all the work for you , while you receive the benefits of increased flexibility, oxygenation of the blood, postural alignment and elongated muscles . All this while giving you a deep sense of stillness and connection.


This improves joint mobility and and muscle stiffness , this allows blood to flow to the joints. Soft tissue stretching , fascia unwinding , deep tactile pressure and mobilisation of joints.


Blood, Qi and nerves form the foundations of our body’s internal pathways. Qi “the river of life that ensures good health and vitality.

When this is obstructed through emotional or physical trauma, postural imbalances or external invasion of pathogens, the natural healing mechanisms our bodies are challenged and the Qi often stagnates. The results can be aches , low energy and a general loss of the feeling of wellbeing and the body needs support.

ZenThai Shiatsu addresses these needs by drawing on the traditional energetic based system, traditional thai massage and remediation techniques of joint mobility. By the integration of the prime aspects of these modalities and a creation of a safe and healing environment you will experience deep restoration and relaxation.

The session takes place on a padded thai mat on the floor with support pillows as aids for different positions the body will be in , you are fully clothed in loose comfortable clothing.

Zen Thai has evolved into a widely recognised and effective structural and energetic form of therapy .

More recently the Zen Thai bodywork has evolved into a rhythmic, fluid yoga asana (yoga) practice involving the 5 elements, however it is noted that whenever one is in ” a state of trust, curiously exploring and fully engaging in the moment ” we are in the practice of Zen Thai.

“If we are to encourage the removal of stagnation, we must practice this in all aspects. To evolve is to recognise the transient nature of all things. To embrace the former traditions whilst integrating with fresh experience is one of the beautiful gifts our lifetime can offer. ”

Gwyn Williams ” (Founder of Zen Thai Shiatsu)

“You and I are a force of transformation in the world. We are the consciousness that will define the nature of the reality we are moving into.” Ram Dass

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